Clive Barker's Undying Wiki

Cheat Codes are a series of enterable commands that assists players during gameplay.

How to enable cheats[]

Press the "TAB" key (next to the "Q" key on American keyboards), and press "ENTER" to activate them. Zero means that the particular code is DISABLED, while one means that the particular code is ENABLED.

Cheat Codes[]

set Aeons.Patrick Health 999 -> 999 Health

addall -----------------------> All Weapons and Spells

ampattspell ------------------> Better Spell Casting

gniydnu ----------------------> Bonus Level (UK Version ONLY) **NOT VERIFIED**

DeAmpattSpell ----------------> Decrease Current Spell Level By 1

assall -----------------------> Donkey Spawn

becomeLight 1 ----------------> Extra Light

Flight -----------------------> Fly

bring # ----------------------> Get Item #

woo --------------------------> Gives Patrick Maximum Ammo

eh ---------------------------> God Mode

AmpAttSpell ------------------> Higher Spell Level

houndog ----------------------> Howlers Won't Attack

set Aeons.Patrick Mana 999 ---> Increase Mana

satan ------------------------> Infinite Health

start [map name] -------------> Level Select

showall ----------------------> Level Triggers On-Screen

renderweapon -----------------> Make On-Screen Weapon Invisible

Pie --------------------------> Restore Mana to maximum

slomo [1 - 5] ----------------> Set Game Speed

SetGroundSpeed [#] -----------> Set how fast Patrick runs, 400 is default

setjumpz [0 - 2000] ----------> Set jump height (250 is default value)

showfps ----------------------> Show Frame Rates

showstealth ------------------> Show Stealth On-Screen

Bring [Itemname] -------------> Spawns the requested item

behindview [0 or 1] ----------> Toggle 3rd person view

invisible [0 or 1] -----------> Toggle Invisibility

infiniteMana 1 ---------------> Unlimited Mana